Data Package Type
Price(€) |
SEEPEX Day-ahead auction data from previous year (Hourly prices and volumes in xls format) |
SEEPEX Day-ahead auction data from February 2016 to current year (Hourly prices and volumes in xls format) |
SEEPEX Day-ahead auction data daily (Hourly prices and volumes in csv format, daily FTP access to data) |
Aggregated Curves + SEEPEX Day-ahead auction data daily (Hourly prices and volumes in csv format, hourly Aggregated Curves in xml format, daily FTP access to data) |
Monthly Resilience File + BBOF file + Aggregated Curves + SEEPEX Day-ahead auction data daily (Block Bid Order File Report in csv format, Hourly prices and volumes in csv format, hourly Aggregated Curves in xml format, daily FTP access to data) (Monthly Resilience File in csv format - by 10th of the month M for the previous month M-1) |