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Who are our members

  • Participants of the wholesale power market
Trading on the wholesale power market demands a certain level of knowledge of the commodity trading business. Different kinds of companies are involved on SEEPEX (auction for next-day delivery), including producers, suppliers, energy intensive consumers and trading companies.

Wholesale power market participants are equipped with trading floors and trading desks with staff dedicated to power trading in different European regions. They trade both on their own account, and on behalf of smaller companies who can benefit from their trading expertise and infrastructure.


  • Utilities buy and sell electricity to adjust to imbalances between the production of their power plants and the supply of their customers.
  • Municipal and regional suppliers specialise in supplying end consumers. They do not always own power producing assets, and thus often buy energy on the wholesale market.
  • Trading companies, banks and financial services providers have an essential role in providing additional liquidity on the wholesale power market. These companies do not necessarily own power assets but are active on the market and also trade cross-border.
  • Some energy intensive industries are also involved in the wholesale market in order to purchase power at the best price.
  • Transmission System Operators intervene on the spot markets in order to compensate their grid losses.

As third-party trading is permitted on SEEPEX, members also trade on behalf of smaller companies.


  • Who is able to trade on SEEPEX

Companies that are certified with valid licence from AERS could participate on Organized electricity Market, no matter if they are domestic or foreign ones. Non domestic companies need to own wholesale licence, while domestic need to carry one of following: wholesale licence, supply licence or licence for electricity production. Apart from them , end user could participate as well , where he will purchasing electricity for his own needs (industrial users), as well as trasnsmission and distribution system operators, who have opportunity to purchase electricity for the purpose of covering grid losses.  

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